Monday, January 4, 2010

AKA Natural Beauty

I am very excited and proud to announce the launch of a new collaborative endeavor! AKA Natural Beauty brings me together with two other freelance makeup artists under the common goal of helping women feel confident, healthy and beautiful. Kristen Arnett and myself are based in New York, while May Lindstrom is located in Los Angeles.

AKA Natural Beauty reaches out to individual women who may want private makeup lessons, tips on how to shop for cosmetics, skincare consultations, personal makeup application for a special event, bridal makeup, as well as group workshops. Kristen, May, and myself provide all of these services with the underlying foundation of total wellness, and incorporating products into your routine of the highest quality for your skin and body. Being able to utilize my background in skin care and wellness while focusing on building relationships with my clients, is something I have been looking forward to spending more time on.

I am thrilled to be joining forces with such talented women who share my same philosophies and the joy that comes from our work. We look forward to the new paths this joint effort will take us down, and the new doors it has already begun to open for us.

I will also be posting on our joint blog at, so please be sure to follow me there as well.

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